2017-04-23 - RCT Wordplay with Stephanie


~10.3 miles @ ~14.6 min/mi

"It's not the end of the world until it's the end of the world!" Dr Stephanie leads a run northward, with digressions to snag iced coffee and to explore a twisty maze of hitherto unknown natural-surface trails in Rock Creek Regional Park. We encounter a mysterious woodsman who directs us in precisely the wrong direction, discover a secret community garden, loop, branch, backtrack, and eventually find our way to terra cognita.

"Just playing anagrams!" we explain to a passing dog-walker, as we stand on various letters of the words "DANGER - INTERSECTION AHEAD" painted on the path. Big books are analyzed and critiqued: The Sympathizer meets The Master and Margarita versus The Girl on the Train, along with less-literary self-improvement tomes that are still worth skimming. Fast ultrarunner Enrique Rubio greets us as he pauses on a cycling expedition. Lovely flowers provide springtime selfie opportunities.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2017-05-21